
LNG is the most environmentally-friendly, readily available, fuel for shipping today and in the foreseeable future.

LNG far out-performs conventional marine fuels on a local emissions basis which is particularly important in regard to human health issues in ports and coastal areas.

It emits virtually no sulphur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM). Compared to existing heavy marine fuel oils, LNG can, depending on the technology used, emit up to 95% fewer nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. As such it is compliant with both SOx and NOx emissions limits in coastal Emission Control Areas (ECAs) and the IMO’s global sulphur cap.  Furthermore, its unparalleled emissions performance effectively insulates shipping companies from the impact of future, more demanding, local emissions regulations.

The use of LNG as a marine fuel, depending on engine technology, offers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions of up to 21% on a Well-to-Wake basis and 28%, Tank-to-Wake, including the impact of methane emissions when compared to conventional marine fuels.

There are no waste disposal or discharge issues associated with the use of LNG in contrast to exhaust gas treatment systems, or scrubbers used by shipping companies which continue to burn high sulphur, heavy fuel oil.  Finally, LNG poses no pollution risk to ocean environments through fuel spills in contrast to traditional marine fuels.

*Photo credit : John Calambokidis/Cascadia Research Collective

Life Cycle GHG Emissions Study on the Use of LNG as Marine Fuel

Life Cycle GHG Emissions Study on the Use of LNG as Marine Fuel

11th April 2019

This report is the definitive study into GHG emissions from current marine engines

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