Our vision

A global LNG marine fuel value chain capable of meeting the shipping industry’s environmental, commercial and operational challenges in the 21st Century.

Our mission

The global shipping industry faces unprecedented challenges as environmental regulations tighten. Shipping needs an alternative to oil-based fuels. We’re here to help.

LNG provides an answer to these challenges now and in the future. LNG is the only commercially viable and scalable alternative marine fuel that can enable the shipping industry to remain competitive while phasing-out of emissions this century.

We work with our Members to demonstrate the environmental, commercial and operational benefits of LNG as a marine fuel and the role it can play in transforming the shipping industry in the 21st century. We facilitate a global LNG marine fuel value chain that enables the transition to sustainable shipping – moving towards a cleaner future.

Our Strategy

To translate SEA-LNG’s vision of a global LNG marine fuel value chain capable of meeting the shipping industry’s environmental, commercial and operational challenges in the 21st Century, we have developed a strategy, based on three elements.

  1. Develop independent, fact-based analysis on the commercial, environmental and operational benefits of LNG as a marine fuel
  2. Communicate our work to all stakeholders in the global shipping industry
  3. Undertake targeted engagements with key decision-makers in industry, the finance sector and regulatory bodies

We do this by working collaboratively with our highly impactful membership, other industry associations, academic institutions, policy makers and the wider maritime community.